​​Florida Nurses Association - OPEIU Local 713


1. Why do I pay union dues?

FNA/OPEIU, Local 713 is a self-sustaining, not-for-profit organization that exists for the betterment of its members. Your dues pay for expenses incurred in contract negotiations, servicing members, legal fees for representation, organizing new members and communications… just to name a few.

Union members pay dues for the same reason civic, faith-based, cultural, business, and professional association members pay dues: It costs money to run an organization, and particularly in our case, it also costs money to defend the best interests of the membership.

2.  Are my union dues used to support political candidates?

Union Dues are not to be used to make contributions to union electoral campaigns, federal political campaigns, and the private benefit of any union employee.

3. How much are my union dues?

UF Health Shands Hospital will deduct $21.07 bi-weekly* ($1.41 a day). Overall, your Union Dues are a great value considering the higher wages and increased benefits you enjoy as a result of your union membership. As well as the many members only benefits that are provided. Visit the Union Assistance & Benefits tab on our website.